Do you need a boat license in Ireland?

So what are the legal requirements for boating in Ireland?

People always ask us if you need a boat license in Ireland? And they also ask us about the law in Ireland about wearing life jackets. In Ireland there are a few common sense rules about the wearing of life jackets especially with children but the boat license thing never caught on here. Check the video for the full details.


We also have rules on holding tanks on boats. Basically it’s illegal to dump any effluent into the rivers or lakes. Which I think is fine too. Thankfully though you can either bring your boat here or rent one with very few restrictions at all.

You will need to register your boat with Waterways Ireland but there is no charge for that. Nor is there a charge for mooring your boat in a public harbour but you are limited to a maximum of a five day stay.

This video was filmed on a Samsung S6 phone
An Eliphone P9000
Drone: DJI Saprk
And GoPro Session 4
Edited using iMovies

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