Join us on a River Shannon boating to Banagher adventure. We explore some of the lesser seen places on the River Shannon and in the towns along the way. Sometimes these are little hideaway moorings, and sometimes they are hints of a by-gone era.
We start out in Shannonbridge and then we explore around the now disused Fannings locks. This is a great little hideaway on the river that most boaters never stop at. That’s probably because most boaters don’t know that you can still get a boat in there. After all most charts show it as not navigable. In fact, Driftwood draws just over three feet and we didn’t touch the bottom (why does that sound rude!).
After we check out the area at the lock, we continue down the River Shannon to the town of Banagher where you can join me for a little walkabout. And we find a few interesting things along our way.