A short Cruise on the River Shannon, Athlone to Lough Ree

We untied the boat from its moorings in Athlone Town Marina and headed up river towards Lough Ree. There was a stiff breeze coming from the north east and not only did this make it quite cold but it stirred up the lake quite a bit. We turned at the Lough Ree Yacht club because the lake would have been quite rough and Marion is not a fan of big waves!

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First boat trip of the season, Driftwood on the River.

The 2018 boating season is up and running and this is Driftwood’s first boat trip of the year. Now it’s not a very long boat trip but you see it opens the doors for us. Because up until now we were moored in a spot that made getting the boat out quite difficult. Now though we will be able to take the boat out when ever we want and go exploring the rivers and lakes once again. The current has dropped from the winter flow to the very sedately summer flow. The River Shannon drops a mere six meters over more than a three hundred Klm stretch so as you can imagine there is usually very little flow on it.

We gave it a bit of a wash down too which wasn’t east in this cold weather. We

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Pumping up boat fenders and getting ready for a new boating season. #40

Yep there’s a new boating season just round the corner so it’s time to get the boat fenders pumped up, and we take off the name plates to repaint them and renew the vinyl boat lettering.

Marion shows off our nice new boat BBQ that we bought on ebay. It’s a stainless steel one so at least today it looks nice and clean! Not sure how long that will last.

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