River Shannon Cruises come in lots of types; on this one we’re going to cruise to Lough Erne along the Shannon Erne Waterway. Each week we publish another episode as we document our River Shannon cruises through the Irish countryside to Lough Erne and beyond.
Undoubtedly River Shannon cruises and the whole navigable waterway system both north and south are the best cruising grounds anywhere in Europe, the Irish waterways have everything. Lough Erne is our destination for the next few weeks and we are documenting all the wonderful sights along the way for you to enjoy.
We joined the Shannon Erne Waterway at Leitrim and passed through seven locks before stopping at Kilclare for soup & sandwiches. After that we cruised along the Shannon Erne Waterway to Keshcarrigan. There is a village shop and a nice pub in Keshcarrigan that are worth a visit.
As soon as we entered Lough Scur we were hit with a massive thunder storm, this really was dramatic weather and I was soaked through in seconds. Lough Scur has a wonderful history too much to mention here, save to say there have been settlements here since stone-age times.
Recently the new village shop has reopened. For a short spell the village was without any shop and Gertie’s pub was providing a few essentials to the locals. Thankfully Keshcarrigan seems to be growing once again.
Check out our new shop at www.driftwood.tv/shop where you get your hands on our book ‘Driftwood from the Shannon to the Marne’ the humorous account of our first ever venture into the sea, and on to the French inland waterways.
This video was filmed on a Samsung S6 phone
An Eliphone P9000
Drone: DJI Saprk
And GoPro Session 4
Edited using iMovies
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Feelin Good by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
I Found an Answer by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
‘As we go’ by the 1263rs
‘The Place Inside’ by Silent Partner
‘Walk with me’ by Silent Partner
NB The above music is included in various videos on this channel.