Changeable Weather on Lough Ree

Lough Ree like any large lake is prone to changeable weather. We demonstrate this in this video where we experience four seasons in one day, on one of the largest lakes in Ireland or anywhere in the British Isles. Lough Ree is one of the best cruising grounds any where in Europe and while we start off in poor weather within a few short hours the wind dropped and the sun came out and we got to see the beautiful sunny side of this great cruising and boating lake.

With the assistance of this new found good weather we head back out onto the lake from Coosan Point and decide to launch the drone. This was the first time we used the drone from the boat and it was a little nerve wrecking. Still we managed to retrieve it without incident.

We passed a tour boat with a very excited hen party onboard before we pulled into the harbour at Hodson Bay just opposite the Hodson Bay Hotel. Once tied up safely the weather returned to a blustery overcast day. We definitely got the bast of the day. Then I did a bit of cleaning around the boat as is the custom at this time of year.

Check out our new shop at where you get your hands on our book ‘Driftwood from the Shannon to the Marne’ the humorous account of or first ever venture into the sea, and on to the French inland waterways.

This video was filmed on a Samsung S6 phone
An Eliphone P9000
Drone: DJI Saprk
And GoPro Session 4
Edited using iMovies

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Feelin Good by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (…)

I Found an Answer by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

‘As we go’ by the 1263rs

‘The Place Inside’ by Silent Partner

‘Walk with me’ by Silent Partner

NB The above music is included in various videos on this channel.


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